In This Section
Academic Essentials
Athena is the online access to the student information system application. It allows students to register for courses, view or update student records, view financial information, and much more.
eLearning Commons (eLC)
eLearning Commons (eLC) is the online learning management system for the University of Georgia. Your professor may use this platform to manage class readings, assignments, and assessments.
Student Advising and Guidance Expert (SAGE)
Student Advising and Guidance Expert (SAGE) is UGA’s advising software that allows students and advisors to schedule advising appointments online and provides advisors with various tools for tracking student success.
UGA Bulletin
Explore majors, search for courses, and compare majors using the UGA Bulletin. You can also explore minors and certificate programs.
DegreeWorks is a web-based tool to help students and advisors monitor a student’s progress toward degree completion. DegreeWorks combines the University of Georgia’s degree requirements and the coursework completed into an easy-to-read worksheet that helps see how courses completed count toward degree requirements, and that helps to see what courses and requirements still need to be completed. This system is designed to aid and facilitate academic advising, but is not intended to replace face-to-face advising sessions.
What Do I Major In?
Choosing a major can be overwhelming and finding information to help you in this decision tends to be stressful. However, UGA has several resources to help you explore both majors and career pathways!
Explore Majors by Your Interests
What do you love to do? What do you excel at? What excites you? What's your dream job?
UGA Career Center
The Career Center knows that having someone to guide you through this process is can make it much easier, so the UGA Career Center has career consultants designated to help undecided/exploring students explore a variety of academic options and choose their college major and career path based on their interests, values, and skills.
Exploring Majors at UGA
4 Year Career Development Plan
This plan provides suggestions for your time at UGA. The timing and priority of each task can be dependent on your career goals. If you need help deciding where to start or what to do next, attend Career Center Drop In Hours every weekday from 11 a.m. until 2 p.m. to meet with a Career Center team member.
Exploring Majors at UGA
We believe that in order to figure out what you want to do in life, you need to know who you are first. That’s why the Career Center takes a comprehensive approach in helping you choose a major. We think that it’s important for you to be aware of your personality, interests, values, and skills in order to find the major that best fits you.
Career Assessments
The Career Center has a number of assessments that can aid you in choosing your major, planning your course of study, and determining your career path. They can help you assess your interests, personality, values, and skills while also demonstrating links between majors and careers.
"What Can I Do with a Major In...?"
The UGA Career Center's "What Can I Do with a Major In ... ?" pages address questions such as "What does my major prepare me for?" and "Where have UGA graduates with a particular major found employment?"
UGA Mentor Program
The UGA Mentor Program provides students with the opportunity to connect with experienced UGA alumni. You can explore various majors, roles, and industries via connecting with alumni via a 30-minute informational interview and/or 16-week mentoring relationship.
UGA Exploratory Center
Exploratory Center advisors are committed to guiding students through the major declaration process. Through ongoing, reflective dialogue, and partnership with advisors, students will be equipped to clarify their skills, values and interests, empowering them to build an academic and career plan.
Pre-Professional Advising
Considering a career in healthcare or law? Visit the Pre-Professional Advising Office to learn more about how to prepare for these careers and how you can make yourself a competitive applicant for graduate schools.
Tap/click on the logos below to visit their web pages.
Study Away
Interested in studying abroad? The Office of Global Engagement (OGE) is dedicated to preparing you to become a global citizen equipped to respond to the changes and challenges that affect our local and global communities. OGE is here to support your journey to global citizenship by offering academic opportunities in over 60 countries, as well as domestically.
UGA programs range in duration from 2 weeks to 52 weeks and allow students to earn UGA and transfer credit while studying abroad or domestically. Programs are designed to accommodate the student’s program of study. Each year, more than 2,000 UGA students like you study, research, or intern abroad in dozens of countries throughout the world and in the United States. Click the icons below to learn more.
Ambassador Programs
Still exploring majors? Meet with current students in your intended major. Many Schools and Colleges have Ambassadors who would love to talk to you. Tap/click each School or College’s icon below to meet their student ambassadors.