
The Dawg Camp Fee Waiver Program is designed to assist incoming students who are interested in attending Dawg Camp but are in need of financial assistance.

Fee Waivers cover the cost of attending Dawg Camp which includes all meals, lodging, in-camp transportation, and program materials.

All students who are admitted to the University of Georgia for Fall 2025 or Spring 2026 are eligible to apply for a fee waiver. Applicants must have officially committed to UGA and paid their Admissions Deposit. Applicants must complete the fee waiver application in its entirety by the stated deadline. 

Applicants must complete the Dawg Camp Fee Waiver Application in its entirety.

Applicants will also be asked to provide a brief essay (300 words or less) responding to the following prompts:

  1. Why are you applying for a Dawg Camp fee waiver?
  2. Describe your need for financial assistance.
  3. What do you hope to gain from attending Dawg Camp?

Applicants will be able to select and rank which Dawg Camp programs they are interested in attending. Limited waivers are available for each program. You may not be guaranteed your first choice of camp. Applicants wishing to maximize their chances of receiving a fee waiver should select all programs they are available for.

Dawg Camp Professional Staff will review all completed applications and select recipients based on their financial need/constraint and the quality of their essay responses. Waivers will be awarded until allocated funds are depleted.


Upon selection, recipients will be notified and given additional information regarding their camp and any additional information needed from the recipient prior to their Dawg Camp program. All recipients will be expected to write a reflective essay about their experience within two weeks of attending their respective program.


IMPORTANT: Please DO NOT register for Dawg Camp prior to receiving a fee waiver!

Dawg Camp Fee Waivers will continue to be awarded until funds are depleted. An initial review of Dawg Camp Fee Waiver Applications will begin on May 20, 2025. Applications submitted after this date will receive a funding decision within 1 – 2 weeks. 
This notification e-mail will be sent regardless of the decision made. If a award recipient decides to no longer attend the program that they were awarded a waiver for, their waiver will be awarded to another candidate. Fee Waiver recipients will be expected to submit all registration information and waivers to attend the program two weeks before the start of their program. Fee Waiver recipients will be asked to submit their written reflection within two weeks of attending their respective program. These dates will be provided in the notification e-mail and other follow up correspondence. 

Questions regarding the fee waiver program should be directed to:
Department of University Transitions
(706) 542-4352